CreARTive Sunday 07/06/08: Healing Crystals
This post I created about crystal healing is for entertainment purposes. Even though there is a scientific and spiritual basis to crystal healing, it is not meant to replace modern medicine. It can, however, work along side it to aid in healing. I use it as a meditational tool. Pictured above are some of the stones and crystals that I have used.
Crystal Healing, sometimes referred to Crystal Therapy or Gem Therapy is the use of quartz crystals, gemstones, and other types of crystals and stones for therapeutic and healing purposes. Stones and crystals are also used with Chakra Balancing and Color Therapy.
Crystals and gemstones, like the human body, are known to have electromagnetic energy. The emit vibrations and frequencies that have the very powerful potential to effect the whole being – body, mind, and spirit.
Crystal healing works on the principle that every cell in the body vibrates at its own specific frequency. When these natural frequencies become unbalanced, we expericence dis-ease. Crystals oscillate to a natural healing frequency that is activated by mental energy. Powered by strong intention – either your own or that of your therapist’s healing energy is channeled through the crystal from an inexplicable source, often referred to as the Universal Life Force. The appropriate healing energy – stimulating, balancing, or tranquilizing – is transmitted from the Universal Life Force and amplified through the unique molecular structure of natural crystals. This helps to harmonize the body’s frequencies back to optimum, healthy levels.
Jewels and precious stones have always possessed mystical qualities and have been valued by both primitive and civilized cultures. Many native American tribes used crystal healing. Crystals were used in South America, Africa, Europe, and Egypt, and were a highly developed art in ancient India.
The continent of Atlantis, an ancient culture destroyed by Earth changes thousands of years ago, was a highly developed technological civilization whose major source of energy was based on crystal technology, and their healing was powered by crystal and gemstone use beyond current knowledge.
Today, crystalline material is used for a wide range of commercial and medical procedures. Diamonds that are not gem quality are gound up and used as scalpel tips on dental drills. Silicon chips are used to receive, store, amplify, and transmit infomation in computers, appliances, and credit cards. In order to eliminate imperfections, man synthesizes crystals in a laboratory.
Many physical problems and diseases result from blockages of the vital life energy within the body. Crystals and gemstones can be used to regulate the flow of energy in and around the human body. By removing the energy blocks and increasing free flow of energy, balance is restored to the body’s energy system. This in turn harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit. Depending on the type of stone used, an individual can be calmed, revitalized, or have an inspiring or stimulating experience.
In the ancient art of “laying on of stones”, practitioners place crystals and gemstones on various parts of the body, corresponding to the chakra points, to balance the energy flow. As an example, a malachite, a green stone, placed on the solar plexus will draw out suppressed emotions so that the heart chakra will open.
Crystals and gemstones should be “cleared” before use, epecially if they will be used in healing. They can accumulate vibrations and other imprints from those individuals having previous contact with them. Sources such as sound, light, emotions, thoughts, and the physical environment can leave their energy on the crystal. If the individual who previously had possession of the crystal was ill or had negative thoughts, these vibrations could be passed on to the next person using the crystal if it is not cleared.
Clearing can be acomplished by several methods, including soaking the crystals and stones in sea-salt water, packing them in see salt, passing them through a flame or smoke, holding them under running water, or burying them in the earth for a period of time.
If you are placing the crystals or gemstones on someone, start with colored gemstones placed on the chakra. Use your intuition to place them where you please or wherever it feels comfortable to the person.
Often it is appropriate to start from the root chakra, including the feet and legs. The heart center generally gets a lot of gemstones. Emotional releases may start here. When the stones are all in place, have the person rest quietly with them for as long as he or she wishes. Encourage them to talk about their healing issues. Use a guided meditation to help draw healing light through all the chakras, releasing any illness through the crown chakra or feet.
The Human Chakra Centers
Here is a guiding chart of how to apply crystals to chakra centers
Chakras and Their Corresponding Activating Colors:
Root – Red
Belly – Orange
Solar Plexus – Yellow
Heart – Green
Throat – Blue
Third Eye – Indigo
Crown – Violet
Gemstones for the Chakras* | ||||||
Root | Belly | Solar Plexus | Heart | Throat | Third Eye | Crown |
Black Smoky Quartz Black Tourmaline Tourmaline Quartz Black Agate Apache Tear/ Obsidian Onyx Jet ElestialsRed Garnet Ruby Bloodstone Red Jasper Red Jade Red Spinel Red Quartz Realgar |
Carnelian Red Coral Agate Jacinth Brown Jasper Fire Agate Phantom Calcite Fire Opal Red Quartz Wulfenite Salmon Jade |
Citrine Topaz Tiger Eye Hawks-Eye Malachite Peridot Amberv Golden Beryl Yellow Jade Chrysoberyl Apatite Yellow Calcite Tourmaline Zircon Flourite Green |
Rose Quartz
Pink Tourmaline
Pink Jade
Pink Carnelian
Green Jade
Gr Tourmaline
Green Quartz
Gr Obsidian
Dendritic Agate
Blue Topaz
Blue Lace Agate
Gem Silica
Eilat Stone
Lapis Lazuli
Dk Aquamarine
Star Sapphire
Blue Spinnel
Blue Zircon
Blue Flourite
Holly Blue Agate
Moss Agate
White Agate
Cl Flouride
Phantom Quartz
Snow Quartz
Diamond Zircon
*Stein, p. 26
sanssouciblogs wrote on Jul 5, ’08
This is fascinating and beautiful. I think I need to be draped from head to toe in a gazillion different colored stones! Just a terrific post–like you, lil sis! |
lauritasita wrote on Jul 5, ’08
I’ve done this therapy, in combination with Reiki, on my friend, Joan. She said afterwards that she felt wonderfully calm.
starfishred wrote on Jul 6, ’08
this is so very fascinating i love crystals to hold and look at maybe that is the way they work by being so pretty and sensuous to feel they calm you who knows but if it works do it hehe very nice tour
slohomeles wrote on Jul 6, ’08
lauritasita said
My maternal great-grandmother used to “wash” us with certain types of gemstones depending on what was ailing at the time – different stones for different maladies and sometimes a combination of stones one right after the other. As a child, I wasn’t able to understand why she used “rocks” as a form of healing, but it worked and that’s all that mattered at the time.
theoneandonlybill wrote on Jul 6, ’08
Your background to the subject is totally different to my own and yet we both agree.
Frequency and the word Crystal are one and the same to me since the age of three when twiddling a thin wire over one produced a frequency that could be amplified to hear 2LO calling. A single and first 1927 Radio Station, that is today the BBC. I have a blog I will post on your body theory already prepared. Since I believe in what they can achieve I would not suggest your sister’s approach. That would upset the Apple Cart completely. |
lauritasita wrote on Jul 6, ’08
There definitely seems to be something to it, and if it helps you, it works. I feel more relaxed when I meditate with them. The turquoise is great for communication, and the amethyst is wonderful for spiritual growth. I also use rose quartz. Whatever works for you.
philsgal7759 wrote on Jul 6, ’08
I too wonder what it is about them and how it all works or doesn’t work.
Whatever they are just beautiful and relaxing even if they do not cure that alone makes them healing. |
lauritasita wrote on Jul 6, ’08
You can wear them also. Some of the ones I have are wearable pendants.
spoiledkitty29 wrote on Jul 6, ’08
This post is really nice, it’s something that I’m drawn to completely. This will sound totally contradictory but I work for a chiropractor but I think that healing crystals would work better for 3/4 of the patients. Of course, I’m just office manager so I keep my opinions to myself.
lauritasita wrote on Jul 6, ’08
Hi spoiledkitty, thanks for your comment. Many people would benefit from the healing power of crystals and stones. Even hospitals use Reiki treatments on their patients now. I’ve volunteered to do this, but the nurses are fully trained. I don’t think it would be a bad idea to suggest using crystals to the patients, but of course, it would be up to them.
lauritasita wrote on Jul 6, ’08
Bill, I read your poem, and I understand that the meaning is similar to the hypothesis of this post. Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention.
I have read it twice! The information is very much interesting. I am totally ignorant about the healing power of crystals/gemstones but from now I can understand why they are becoming very commonly used here in Portugal. Although they may not be effective by 100%, they can at least be a complement to the conventional therapies. Thanks for posting this interesting entry…thanks for your visit and comment dropped.
lauritasita wrote on Jul 8, ’08
Hi belita. Yes, they are becoming more commonly used along with the conventional medicine very successfully.
CreARTive Sunday 07/06/08: Healing Crystals — No Comments
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