Little Mister gets a Christmas hat and scarf
What do you give a rabbit for Christmas ?
We thought maybe an extra large bushel of Timothy hay or an entire bag of Romaine lettuce.
Then we found the perfect gift.
A warm hand-made crocheted hat that even comes with a matching scarf and mittens, but he mostly loved the hat.
They matched his eyes so beautifully ! We asked him if he could model them for us !
sugarpiehuny wrote on Dec 9, ’08
I know he just loves that hat! He looks so cute in it!
I used to crochet ear warmers for my cats.. You know how much they loved that! LOL |
dianahopeless wrote on Dec 9, ’08
How adorable! Our bunnies loved dandelion greens and carrots too. It was a great way of getting rid of the ever present dandelions in the yard. lol
starfishred wrote on Dec 9, ’08
hehehehehe the hat matches his eyes cute
jimnastics wrote on Dec 9, ’08
Oh, I think you’re going to get some extra presents from him for that. lol
tulipsinspring wrote on Dec 9, ’08
LOL he looks so handsome in his new hat!
dianahopeless said
Wait a sec … you took some perfectly good dandelion greens and gave the to a rabbit? Is this before or after you let them ferment?
billatplay wrote on Dec 10, ’08
You do surprise me being the expert you are about things musical. Your rabbit— The first symbol in the Tonic Sofa, —- Doe of course. lol
lauritasita wrote on Dec 10, ’08
I think we’ll be starting some new rabbit fashion trends
lauritasita said
…about 1 hour in a fan-assisted oven, mark 4. Mmmmm……..delicious……
lauritasita wrote on Dec 10, ’08
I don’t eat rabbit, Doug. It probably tastes like chicken anyway and we have that all week, hee, hee !
grandmajane wrote on Dec 10, ’08
forgetmenot525 wrote on Dec 10, ’08
very well matched…………..perfect colour for that eye shade……….and sooooo cute too
sanssouciblogs wrote on Dec 10, ’08
sanssouciblogs wrote on Dec 10, ’08
This is too funny. But for God’s sake, woman, his bunny ears are going to freeze!!!! I think he could also use a red rose between his teeth and a flamenco outfit.
Little Mister gets a Christmas hat and scarf — No Comments
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