Poetry for the loss of a pet: Rainbow Bridge
Rainbow Bridge
author unknown
There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth.
It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many colours.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills, valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies , the pet goes to this special place.
There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
The old and frail are young again.
Those who are maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing.
They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth.
So each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up !
The nose twitches !
The ears are up !
The eyes are staring !
And this one suddenly runs from the group !
You have been seen, and when you and your special meet, you take him or her into your arms and embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.
The Rainbow Bridge is the theme of a work of poetic prose written some time between 1980 and 1992, whose original creator is unknown.
The theme is of a mythological place to which a pet goes upon its death, eventually to be reunited with its owner. It has gained wide popularity amongst animal lovers who have lost a pet.
Although no major religion specifically refers to such a place for pets, the belief shows similarities with the Bifröst bridge of Norse Mythology.
The story tells of a green meadow located “this side of Heaven” (i.e., before one enters into it). Rainbow Bridge is both the name of the meadow and an adjoining bridge connecting it to Heaven.
According to the story, when a pet dies it goes to the meadow, having its body cured of any illnesses, frailties and/or injuries. The pet runs around and plays with other pets, missing only one thing – the love and companionship of its owner, who is still alive on Earth.
Upon the pet owner’s death, on his/her journey toward Heaven s/he crosses the meadow. While doing so, the pet (along with any other pets the owner had while on Earth) spots its owner and runs to greet him/her. Reunited, the pet(s) and owner cross the Rainbow Bridge together into Heaven, never again to be parted.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Nov 23, ’10
This is magnificent!! Thanks, it is so very beautiful!
shoppingdreams wrote on Nov 23, ’10
Somebody sent me this when my cat died. It made me sob. I believe there is such a place. A lovely post.
sweetpotatoqueen wrote on Nov 24, ’10
How thoughtful of you to post this in the wake of little Arnold’s death. I always go back to read this when I have lost an animal in my life…it really is comforting . Thanks for sharing Laurita.
lauritasita wrote on Nov 24, ’10
There was something about this poem that made me feel better. That there is a continuation of life after death- only in a different world.
lauritasita wrote on Nov 26, ’10
sweetpotatoqueen said
Thanks, sweetpotato!
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