Poetry Wednesday 02/11/09: God Gave A Loaf To Every Bird
God Gave A Loaf To Every Bird
by Emily Dickinson
God gave a loaf to every bird,
But just a crumb to me;
I dare not eat it, though I starve,–
My poignant luxury
To own it, touch it, prove the feat
That made the pellet mine,–
Too happy in my sparrow chance
For ampler coveting.
It might be famine all around,
I could not miss an ear,
Such plenty smiles upon my board,
My garner shows so fair.
I wonder how the rich may feel,–
An Indiaman–an Earl?
I deem that I with but a crumb
Am sovereign of them all.
Hello, and welcome back again to Poetry Wednesday 02/11/09.
You can sign in today and take the tour thru Thursday, so take your time.
I’ll be your hostess again this week. My sister, Sans Souci, is on a break, putting together her own poetry book, but she will check in.
Before we get started, please make sure that your post has a link to get back to this page to make it easier to take the tour:
1) Copy and paste the following link that I have provided for you from this page to somewhere on your poetry post.
Link back to the Poetry Wednesday tour on Laurita’s page
2) Leave the link of your poetry post in the comments section below. This is the link guests will click on to read your poem (see my post below as an example).
You are listening to:
Air and Simple Gifts
by John Williams
Performed by Itzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma, Anthony Mcgill, and Gabriela Montella at the inauguration of Barack Obama.
[mp3j track=”airandsimplegifts.mp3″]
When I listened to this piece, I got such a surge of different emotions. It sounds very serious and sad, but then I feel spurts of hope. I think this is such an unusual piece of music.
It’s a new tour…and a new dawn.
skeezicks1957 wrote on Feb 9, ’09
Last week was wonderful and I am looking forward to all the posts this week. http://skeezicks1957.multiply.com/journal/item/622/Poetry_Wednesday_21109
billatplay wrote on Feb 9, ’09
I comment here on Laurita’s Poem. The poem was wonderful and so sad as my mind thought of hunger A crumb kept in reserve in a time when each crumb was savoured until its after taste had disappeared into an empty stomach. A time when humanity was lost and savagery ruled. A time when the Idol of Hate ruled in Europe.
starfishred wrote on Feb 9, ’09
sanssouciblogs wrote on Feb 9, ’09
Great page, I’ll post a calendar event…
bostonsdandd wrote on Feb 9, ’09
Beware of a woman scorned ;o) LOL. I’m up and ready for this week :o). Be back on Wednesday to read all the posts. Thanks Laurita for hosting!
http://bostonsdandd.multiply.com/journal/item/262 |
jayaramanms wrote on Feb 10, ’09
Mine this week is a small poem by Saroji Naidu available at – http://jayaramanms.multiply.com/journal/item/281/281 . Please see –
lauritasita wrote on Feb 10, ’09
Sorry I’m late, but here I am: http://lauritasita.multiply.com/journal/item/1195/Poetry_Wednesday_021109_Mirror_Mirror
sanssouciblogs wrote on Feb 10, ’09
Hi everyone. I am enlisting your help again this week: I am going back to a poem that needed editing mainly for the purpose of reducing the lines of lyrics to adhere to copyright rules, In the meantime, My husband began to deconstruct the poem and left me very anxious and I began to edit. It may be clearer or it may have lost something. I would very much welcome your input. You were masters last week and I thank you.
http://sanssouciblogs.multiply.com/journal/item/536/349._ |
sweetpotatoqueen wrote on Feb 10, ’09
Hi everyone! Help yourself to some chocolates and drop by my page for a Valentine’s Day theme of love. http://sweetpotatoqueen.multiply.com/journal/item/245/Poetry_Wednesday_Love_by_Rumi
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asolotraveler wrote on Feb 10, ’09
simply moving! thank you —- http://asolotraveler.multiply.com/journal/item/506/POETRY_WEDNESDAY_-_Visualized_for_your_Ease_Enjoyment
lauritasita wrote on Feb 10, ’09
What connection is there between Walt Whitman, Abraham Lincoln and Tall Ships? Oh Captain! My Captain!
Should we support the warrior even when we hate the war? Ask Alfred Lord Tennyson
lauritasita wrote on Feb 11, ’09
Everyone, please read this Poetry Wednesday special announcement in regards to next week. Thank you. ~ Laurita. http://lauritasita.multiply.com/journal/item/1198/Poetry_Wednesday_Special_Report_
Lovey poem and the music soothes, thank you! http://pestep55.multiply.com/journal/item/453/Poetry_Wednesday_09_Feb_11_Emily_Bronte
sugarpiehuny wrote on Feb 12, ’09
Loving the music:
My own personal poem: http://lihsa.multiply.com/journal/item/546?mark_read=lihsa:journal:546&replies_read=7 |
And one of my favorite poets:
http://lihsa.multiply.com/journal/item/548/i_carry_your_heart_with_me_-_e.e._cummings |
lauritasita wrote on Feb 13, ’09
Thank you for participating, Lisa.
lauritasita wrote on Feb 13, ’09
Poetry Wednesday 02/11/09: God Gave A Loaf To Every Bird — No Comments
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