Poetry Wednesday 09/03/08: Daniel Pearl remembered through poetry and music
Daniel Pearl recognized the ability of music to bridge differences among people.
In the spirit of Pearl’s love of music and commitment to dialogue, the Daniel Pearl Foundation (formed by his family) launched the first Daniel Pearl World Music Days on October 10, 2002, which would have been Pearl’s 39th birthday.
World Music Days is an international network of concerts using the power of music to reaffirm our commitment to tolerance and humanity. It is an “awareness raiser,” not a fundraiser. There is no financial obligation to participate.
Using the power of music to promote tolerance and inspire respect for differences, Daniel Pearl World Music Days has grown to include thousands of performances in over 60 countries. In 2005 World Music Days eStage was introduced, a month long on-line gallery and radio station featuring music, poetry, art, articles, and dedications reflecting Danny’s lifetime of work connecting people through words and music.
Daniel Pearl was an accomplished violinist and ardent music lover who had dreams of becoming a violinist before studying at Stanford University. He later played in fiddle bands, once leading an Atlanta-based group that opened for the The Kinks in 1993, and performed Bach at his wedding.
Daniel Pearl World Music Days was created in response to the 2002 kidnapping and murder of the Wall Street Journal reporter at the hands of extremists in Karachi, Pakistan. Pearl’s family and friends came together to work towards a more humane world, forming the Daniel Pearl Foundation, whose mission is to promote cross-cultural understanding through journalism, music, and dialogue.
Daniel Pearl was a talented musician who joined musical groups in every community in which he lived, leaving behind a long trail of musician-friends spanning the entire world. Commemorating Danny’s October 10th birthday, World Music Days uses the universal language of music to encourage fellowship across cultures and build a platform for “Harmony for Humanity.”
“We are constantly amazed by the combination of talent and spirit that the Daniel Pearl violin winners (a musical competition for scholarships) exhibit,” said Judea Pearl, Daniel’s father and president of the Daniel Pearl Foundation. “Their continuing enthusiasm for the World Music Days mission of spreading ‘Harmony for Humanity’ unites and empowers audiences year after year.”
The honorary board of the Daniel Pearl Foundation includes Christiane Amanpour, former President William Clinton, Abdul Sattar Edhi, Danny Gill, John Hennessy, Ted Koppel, Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan, Sari Nusseibeh, Mariane Pearl, Itzhak Perlman, Harold Schulweiss, Craig Sherman, Paul Steiger, and Elie Wiesel. To learn more about the Daniel Pearl World Music Days, go to: http://www.danielpearl.org/events/musicdayII.html
On April 16,2007, Pearl was added to the Holocaust Memorial in Florida as the first non-Holocaust victim. His father, Judea Pearl, gave his consent for the induction in order to remind generations to come that “The forces of barbarity and evil are still active in our world. The Holocaust didn’t finish in 1945.”
Daniel Pearl World Music Days
In 2005 World Music Days eStage was introduced, a month long on-line gallery and radio station featuring music, poetry, art, articles, and dedications reflecting Danny’s lifetime of work connecting people through words and music. Here is a collection of poetry I gathered from researching poetry from the World Music Days eStage site. Enjoy.
Portions of this post were assisted from the Daniel Pearl website.
A collection of poems
inspired by the life of Daniel Pearl
written by the students of the Performing and Visual Arts Academy
Birmingham High School,
Los Angeles, California,
Ode to Daniel Pearl
by Lisa Chow
The Daniel Pearl Music Day
plays worldwide in the weeks surrounding
your birthday.
The event pays homage to you.
To the value you hold dear.
To the loving memory you left behind.
They say you push for peace.
However, we are at war.
They say you want to unite people.
However, we continue to divide.
They say you have a gentle spirit.
However, brutal strength reigns.
You would have been a great soldier
In this War on Terrorism
However, Terrorism took you out.
Unless, we remember your spirit.
Terrorism didn’t take that out.
It couldn’t.
Your spirit remains strong
In the people’s hearts who remember you.
In your legacy as others hear of you.
With God who created you in His image.
On what would have been your 44th birthday,
Many have come together again.
To remember you.
To pay homage to you.
To celebrate your life.
To keep the candle you originally lit burning.
Thank you for having come into this world.
You Are Here
you were a great musician
you were a great journalist
you are Daniel Pearl
you are gone
but you are here
you are here in my life
Music was your expression
our expression loving it
you are like a brave warrior
your life was taken
in searching for the truth
you are an inspiration to all
you are a symbol
you are
your spirit lives on forever
you are Daniel Pearl
— Matthew Garcia 2007
A Compassionate Man
Danny, I don’t know much of you
But through good times and bad
Generous and loving you were
A true citizen of the world
You inspire millions of people
You did not delight in evil
Always hope
Always trust
You were there to listen
there to talk
with joy, with smiles
with pain, with tears
I know you’ll be there
Throughout the years
Because of you, I now know
The truth never lies
It tries to hide…
LaTeisha Johnson – 2007
A wonderful soul
A warrior at heart
A friend to us all
A true citizen of the world
Uncovering truths through his word
A detective seeking justice
For the good of the world
A musician at heart
A lover of life
Brightening days with an inspiring tune
A symbol of hope
Danny we will miss you
Araceli Cumplido – 2007
Click here to return to Tim, our “Poet Host with the Most” for this week while my big sister takes a break !
starfishred wrote on Sep 2, ’08
jayaramanms wrote on Sep 2, ’08
Beautiful poems. Nice presentation of music and write up. Vivaldi is my favorite number. Thank you for presenting them. Mine at – http://jayaramanms.multiply.com/journal/item/256/POETRY_WEDNEDAY.
instrumentalpavilion wrote on Sep 2, ’08
That was really nice, thanks Laura. The Vivaldi composition was a nice touch. Thanks as always for pulling my coat about these things. Fred
lauritasita wrote on Sep 2, ’08
Thank you so much for visiting. Just looking at his pictures, he seemed like such a great man to know.
lauritasita wrote on Sep 2, ’08
I think the “Daniel Pearl Music Days” was such a great idea. I hope it accomplishes friendships all over the world.
sanssouciblogs wrote on Sep 2, ’08
Another fabulous post by a fabulous sis!
dianahopeless wrote on Sep 2, ’08
What a wonderful tribute to a great man. The student poems were so sweet. Thank you for sharing, and providing the music, links, etc. Very enjoyable. http://dianahopeless.multiply.com/journal/item/345/Senses_my_poem
lauritasita wrote on Sep 2, ’08
Thanks for visiting, diana. I read your poem earlier and it was just lovely !
sweetpotatoqueen wrote on Sep 2, ’08
Laurita: Your curiosity to present such interesting topics always delights my brain. I’ve now been inspired by yet another wonderful use of how music spains all cultures and language to bring people together for a common cause. How interesting and inspiring to read about this man! Thank you!
lauritasita wrote on Sep 3, ’08
Hi sweetpotato ! I dont’t know if people knew he was also a musician. I wanted to present him as the whole human being, not just “that reporter that was killed in Pakistan”.
lauritasita wrote on Sep 3, ’08
Thanks for visiting pferox. Yes, I thought this would be a great tribute.
bostonsdandd wrote on Sep 3, ’08
You know you said something three things above me that really hit home for me. I didn’t know anything about Daniel Pearl but that he was “that reporter that was killed in Pakistan.” Wasn’t his wife pregnant at the time he was murdered?
Very nice post Lauriatsita. It shows the heart and soul of the person who was Daniel Pearl. http://bostonsdandd.multiply.com/journal/item/189/Poetry_WednesdaySeptember_3Night_ConfessionBy_Me |
lauritasita wrote on Sep 3, ’08
Hi Lori ! Yes, his wife was pregnant at the time of his murder. This is a typical example of man’s inhumanity to man.
lauritasita wrote on Sep 3, ’08
Thanks for visiting, sanddunz ! Yes, evil did not end in 1945. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Sep 4, ’08
Thanks for the reminder and the information, very moving stuff, thanks Laurita
http://forgetmenot525.multiply.com/journal/item/105/Poetry_Wednesday_Dory_previn_and_Denise_Findlay |
lauritasita wrote on Sep 4, ’08
Hi Lorietta, thanks for visiting. Yes, I was very moved by all this information about him, too.
slohomeles wrote on Sep 6, ’08
lauritasita said
Beautiful tribute… all the more so because of your desire to share him as a whole person rather than just presenting only one facet of who he was…
All too often, we focus on only one aspect of a person and as a result we deny ourselves the magic of the humanity within each of us. |
lauritasita wrote on Sep 6, ’08
Hi Michael ! In your comment, you took the words right out of my mouth.
Poetry Wednesday 09/03/08: Daniel Pearl remembered through poetry and music — No Comments
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