Poetry Wednesday 10/08/08: Sign in and take the tour
Painting: “Poetry Reading”
by Beryl Cook
Music: “Let ’em In”
by Paul McCartney and Wings
Hello, and welcome back to Poetry Wednesday 10/08/08. You can sign in today and take the tour thru Thursday, so take your time.
I’ll be your hostess again this week. My sister, Sans Souci, is on a break, putting together her own poetry book, but she will check in.
Before we get started, please make sure that your post has a link to get back to this page to make it easier to take the tour:
1) Copy and paste the following link that I have provided for you from this page to somewhere on your poetry post.
Click here to return to the Poetry Wednesday tour on Lauritasita’s page
2) Leave the link of your poetry post in the comments section below. This is the link guests will click on to read your poem (see my post below as an example).
I’m going to start things off this week with a poem from the Old Testament called, “A Woman of Valor”, which is traditionally recited by a Jewish husband to his wife before sitting down to a Shabbat Friday evening meal. By the way, the woman in the photograph is my mother. I hope you enjoy this.
The pies are done ! Enjoy the tour.
Loretta, thank you so much for helping me figure out who the artist of the painting was !
[mp3j track=”letemin.mp3″]
lauritasita wrote on Oct 6, ’08
starfishred wrote on Oct 6, ’08
wow what a spread I deceided to mine today befor I get involved with my older daighter we are going on a trip to Tiberon today
http://starfishred.multiply.com/journal/item/692/POETRY_WEDNESDAY-WALTER_DE_LA_MARE |
skeezicks1957 wrote on Oct 6, ’08
Hello to all this week.
http://skeezicks1957.multiply.com/journal/item/566 |
billatplay wrote on Oct 6, ’08
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 6, ’08
Great page, sis!!! I love the painting!! Give some info, please!!! And ma’s here too?! |
lauritasita wrote on Oct 6, ’08
The picture above had no description, but I’ll keep checking. It does belong to some school web site, but there is no infomration on the picture. Sorry.
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 6, ’08
lauritasita said
I could be totally wrong but the painting looks like a Beryl Cook, I did a ‘Art Sunday’ on her a while ago. There are a few people who have since copied her style but it looks like her work
starfishred wrote on Oct 6, ’08
looking good
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 6, ’08
Beautiful page, pass a slice of that pie please, it looks tasty
http://forgetmenot525.multiply.com/journal/item/178/Poetry_wednesday_An_enigma._ |
http://luluone.multiply.com/journal/item/235/The_Elderly_Batik_People_Behind_Yogyakarta_Palace Hi Laurita- thanks for touring that’s my entry about Batik and the elderly people your page is wonderful
danceinsilence wrote on Oct 7, ’08
I have finally arrived. Storms here were bad tonight. A semi-different offering this time around.
http://danceinsilence.multiply.com/journal/item/547/Poetry_Wednesday_Unconditional |
jayaramanms wrote on Oct 7, ’08
I have posted my entry a poem by Rabindranath Tagore “My Dependence” for this week. It is available at – http://jayaramanms.multiply.com/journal/item/266/266. Request the hostess and all to see. Thanks
This poem utilizes a style called Terza Rima … invented and first used by Dante in his Divine Comedy |
sanssouciblogs said
Great page, sis!!! I love the painting!! Give some info, please!!! And ma’s here too?!Sue … you need to have your Ma read some of this poetry … what could it hoit?
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 7, ’08
Here’s a rather solemn post, but very moving and hopefully meaningful. http://sanssouciblogs.multiply.com/journal/item/475/311.
elizelizeliz wrote on Oct 7, ’08
elizelizeliz wrote on Oct 7, ’08
forgetmenot525 said
I sori can no sea ur poam is privat & thankin u 4 vsten my paje.
eccentricmare wrote on Oct 7, ’08
At the request of our host, I add this video to the tour:
Hey Sarah Palin (with lyrics/subtitles) — http://multiply.com/gi/johnthad:video:63 |
lauritasita wrote on Oct 8, ’08
Thanks !
dianahopeless wrote on Oct 8, ’08
For the first time, I was unable to visit everyone’s poetry last week. I am really looking forward to it this week. I love poetry, and really look forward to Wednesdays. Thank you so much for hosting Laurita! Normally I post one of my own, but this week I found a special one – to honor and remember a friend that died this last weekend. Hope you enjoy. http://dianahopeless.multiply.com/journal/item/401/Poetry_Wednesday
lauritasita wrote on Oct 8, ’08
Diana, take your time to read. That’s why I put out the sign in page on Mondays. This way, everyone can read by Wednesday. I will leave the sign in page with everyone’s links up all week, but PLEASE don’t post anything new past Thursday. Just hold it until my new sign in page is up the following week. Thanks, Laurita
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 8, ’08
Thanks for hosting Laurita, enjoyed the tour this week. A couple of people have said they’re unable to view my page. Think I’ve said this before but I had a few problems a while back and now most of my posts are for network only. I thought that every one who participates in this is in my network but if you’re not then I’m happy to become a contact which will allow you to see the site.
lauritasita wrote on Oct 9, ’08, edited on Oct 9, ’08
Loretta, I haven’t had a problem viewing your posts because you are already on my friends list, but others may not be, so that could be the reason. I usually have my blog setting on “everyone” so they can all see it (actually, I think they still have to be in network). The only other option you have is to invite the people who can’t see your blog to be on your friends list. It’s up to you how you want to do it.
lauritasita wrote on Oct 9, ’08
skeezicks1957 wrote on Oct 13, ’08
pestep55 said
I could not read this post. It was marked private.
Poetry Wednesday 10/08/08: Sign in and take the tour — No Comments
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