Poetry Wednesday 12/04/07: Starry Starry Night
Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
Don McLean wrote the poem/song, “Vincent” (“Starry, Starry, Night”) in 1971 after reading a book about the life of artist Vincent Van Gogh.
In the 1970s, the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam played the song daily and a copy of the sheet music, together with a set of Van Gogh’s paint brushes, is buried in a time capsule beneath the museum.
If you have time, please also play the video while you read the poem. You will hear the song, and also go on a mini Art Sunday Van Gogh exhibit, which is very relaxing.
Presenting a tribute to Vincent Van Gogh. Enjoy…
Starry Starry Night
by Don McClean
Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue and grey,
Look out on a summer’s day,
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills,
Sketch the trees and the daffodils,
Catch the breeze and the winter chills,
In colors on the snowy linen land.
Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they’ll listen now.
Starry, starry night.
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,
Swirling clouds in violet haze,
Reflect in Vincent’s eyes of China blue.
Colors changing hue, morning field of amber grain,
Weathered faces lined in pain,
Are soothed beneath the artist’s loving hand.
Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they’ll listen now.
For they could not love you,
But still your love was true.
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night,
You took your life, as lovers often do.
But I could have told you, Vincent,
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you.
Starry, starry night.
Portraits hung in empty halls,
Frameless head on nameless walls,
With eyes that watch the world and can’t forget.
Like the strangers that you’ve met,
The ragged men in the ragged clothes,
The silver thorn of bloody rose,
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.
Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they’re not listening still.
Perhaps they never will.
[mp3j track=”vincent.mp3″]
Click here to return to our hostess with the mostess Sans Souciand continue on your poetry journey…
sanssouciblogs wrote on Dec 4, ’07
I saw this in Amsterdam, gorgeous! He was such a tortured soul but look what he produced. Such amazing work. Excellent video. This whole blog was a treat, sis!
ellegance2007 wrote on Dec 4, ’07
I love his paintings, The song gr8t, This presentation is just fantastic Loved it !
redheadgirl4 wrote on Dec 4, ’07
Oh I loved this! You combined so many things that I love. The video is beautiful. Van Gogh is my favourite artist. I have always found it so tragic that he didn’t seem to understand how brilliant he was. And I have always absolutely loved this song. Brilliantly combined in that video. Thank you for this — such a treat!
lauritasita wrote on Dec 5, ’07
I never knew this song was about Vincent Van Gogh.
lauritasita wrote on Dec 6, ’07, edited on Dec 6, ’07
His paintings were so colorful, but he was apparently very troubled.
philsgal7759 wrote on Dec 6, ’07
We all hold secret joys and sorrows but they go unnoticed by a world that is often too busy or self absorbed to understand. Van Gogh paints his inner pain for the world to see and yet in life he and his art go unnoticed. He bids us not to ignore those inner cries Will we listen? Beautiful choice Thanks
lauritasita wrote on Dec 6, ’07
Thank you for all your wonderful comments ! I’m sure if Van Gogh lived, he would have loved to know all of you.
lauritasita wrote on Oct 27, ’08
starfishred wrote on Oct 27, ’08, edited on Oct 27, ’08
Good morning my friend
http://starfishred.multiply.com/journal/item/761/POETRY_WEDNESDAY-CARL_SANDBERG I may do two I just found out my brother died 2 weeks ago in Baltimore so I may just fo a tibute to |
skeezicks1957 wrote on Oct 27, ’08, edited on Oct 27, ’08
I am still reading last weeks as I was away for a long weekend holiday but here is my this weeks post as I catch up! http://skeezicks1957.multiply.com/journal/item/577
skeezicks1957 wrote on Oct 27, ’08
starfishred said
I am sorry for your loss.
starfishred wrote on Oct 27, ’08
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 27, ’08
Good job, sis! Thanks so much for hosting, we all appreciate it.
A poem on fall and leaves…illustrates the steps of self-editing. http://sanssouciblogs.multiply.com/journal/item/166/88._Poetry_Fall |
billatplay wrote on Oct 27, ’08
Cut a slice or have a dance http://billatplay.multiply.com/journal/item/74/Wakey_wakey?replies_read=12
lauritasita wrote on Oct 27, ’08
starfishred said
Heidi, My deepest sympathy is with you. Do as many as you like.
I decided to write something for Halloween this week.
http://jadedruid.multiply.com/journal/item/335/Halloween_Night |
lauritasita wrote on Oct 27, ’08
Everyone: please be sure to visit Heidi (starfishred) if you haven’t done so already. Her brother passed away recently and she could use some comforting…She has two links this week so far. See above. Thank you. Laurita.
Halloween week here in Hew Hess Hay so here is some stuff you probably don’t see much of.
http://gileson.multiply.com/journal/item/270 http://gileson.multiply.com/journal/item/269 http://gileson.multiply.com/journal/item/268 http://gileson.multiply.com/journal/item/267 http://gileson.multiply.com/journal/item/266 |
lauritasita wrote on Oct 28, ’08
Please remember to set your poetry post to “everyone” so we can all see it. Thank you. Love, Laurita.
bostonsdandd wrote on Oct 28, ’08
I was working on my post when the music kicked it. About scared me to death I was concentrating so hard LOL. I’m up and ready though ;o).
http://bostonsdandd.multiply.com/journal/item/219/Poetry_WednesdayOctober_29thThe_Conception_of_a_WomanBy_Me |
sanssouciblogs wrote on Oct 28, ’08
starfishred said
That’s terrible, Heidi, so sorry!
Thus do I ever make my fool my purse: http://johnthad.multiply.com/journal/item/181/
sweetpotatoqueen wrote on Oct 28, ’08
Hi everyone! Please join me for some poetic storytelling! http://sweetpotatoqueen.multiply.com/journal/item/197/Poetry_Wednesday_Story_of_A_King
Laurita: Love this beautiful song and my mind has been splashed with the paint of art here!Thank you! |
jayaramanms wrote on Oct 29, ’08
This week mine is again a poem by Rabindranath Tagore titled – “Unending Love” is available at – http://jayaramanms.multiply.com/journal/item/272/272. Request all to see. Thank you.
elizelizeliz wrote on Oct 29, ’08
Helo ladi mit baeutifull namen.
http://elizelizeliz.multiply.com/journal/item/79/Poatr_Weneds_APOKALYPS |
The Day of Judgement
After All Hallowed Evening comes the Day Of Judgement |
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 29, ’08
Hi ………….there I was so engrossed in doing Halloween stuff I almost forgot to sign in, so here it is, be back later to take the tour
http://forgetmenot525.multiply.com/journal/item/192/Tam_O_Shanter_poetry_by_Rabbie_Burns |
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 29, ’08
Opps…………..forgot, an album of full size original; illustrations to go with it
http://forgetmenot525.multiply.com/photos/album/197/Tam_O_Shanter_illustrations |
sugarpiehuny wrote on Oct 29, ’08, edited on Oct 29, ’08
lauritasita wrote on Oct 29, ’08
Thank you for your invite, Sugarpiehuny !
lauritasita wrote on Oct 29, ’08
Thank you, Zafreud. I hope you enjoy the tour !
Okay, made it on tonight for Poetry Wednesday! Yeeha! Something online at last! So here is my link: http://fluffyj.multiply.com/journal/item/317/Poetry_Wednesday–Whispers_of_October
And I noticed I’ve been tagged also! So I’m going to try and get it done to post tomorrow before or between classes. I love Starry Starry Night…… -janeen (And thanks so much for the birthday wishes and song, loved it!) |
billatplay wrote on Oct 30, ’08, edited on Oct 30, ’08
A poem (cheat) of FEAR http://billatplay.multiply.com/journal/item/78/Be_afraid_very_afraid?replies_read=5 Lucifer’s second cousin is named Lucinda in the story. lol
forgetmenot525 wrote on Oct 30, ’08
Thank you every one for the wonderful collection of ghosts, pumpkins and things that go ‘BOO’ in the night. I have enjoyed each and every one. BUT………….my tour was a little spoiled by strange happenings on Multiply, not sure if any one else is experiencing this but pages take minutes to load…………..sometimes they don’t load at all, comments disappear as I send them, every thing ‘ whites out’ as i try to get back here, I have had to reload this page so many times it has taken me forever. I promise I have visited AND commented to each and every one but I think some of the comments have been swallowed whole by Multiply never to be seen again. So now I’m off to user support and the staff help team…………….oh dear I do hope this gets better its beginning to feel like my worse nightmare…………..yep………….thats the one………….360 AHGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
billatplay wrote on Oct 30, ’08
Me too forgetmenot. So I went back to 360 guess what? Better in parts worse in others. Just like everything else in life really. OK when new then falls off when they have their fill.
dianahopeless wrote on Oct 30, ’08
I’m running a little late. I will get to everyone tonight or tomorrow night. Here is one I picked to share. It sort of reflects my present mood. lol http://dianahopeless.multiply.com/journal/item/423/Poetry_Wednesday_Broken_Mirror_
lauritasita wrote on Oct 30, ’08
Everyone listen ! Take your time to tour – the post will always be on !
lauritasita wrote on Oct 31, ’08, edited on Oct 31, ’08
Viewing History
Viewed 124 times by 27 people, latest on Nov 22, ’08
Poetry Wednesday 12/04/07: Starry Starry Night — No Comments
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