Vatican forgives John Lennon for Jesus remark
Vatican forgives John Lennon for Jesus remark
11/22/2008 3:00 PM, Reuters
I always thought that the Vatican was a little slow to react to things.
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – The Vatican’s newspaper has finally forgiven John Lennon for declaring that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, calling the remark a “boast” by a young man grappling with sudden fame.
The comment by Lennon to a London newspaper in 1966 infuriated Christians, particularly in the United States, some of whom burned Beatles’ albums in huge pyres.
But time apparently heals all wounds.
“The remark by John Lennon, which triggered deep indignation mainly in the United States, after many years sounds only like a ‘boast’ by a young working-class Englishman faced with unexpected success, after growing up in the legend of Elvis and rock and roll,” Vatican daily Osservatore Romano said.
The article, marking the 40th anniversary of the Beatles’ The White Album, went on to praise the pop band.
“The fact remains that 38 years after breaking up, the songs of the Lennon-McCartney brand have shown an extraordinary resistance to the passage of time, becoming a source of inspiration for more than one generation of pop musicians,” it said.
Lennon was murdered in New York in 1980.
(Writing by Deepa Babington; editing by Keith Weir)
lauritasita wrote on Nov 23, ’08
If I recall, John Lennon was known for his sharp tongue, and he said whatever was on his mind. Even though he apologized for his remark, everyone knew deep down that is was true. People knew damn well that they would rather go to a Beatles concert than go to church.
lauritasita wrote on Nov 23, ’08
That was a typical John Lennon statement. The point is that, what difference does it make what the Vatican thinks about that anyway ? It’s kind of late to decide who is forgiven after so many years. Don’t they even know what “forgiveness” means ?
forgetmenot525 wrote on Nov 23, ’08
I can see him now, lounging up against those pearly gates, guitar slung over his shoulder, peering over those little round glasses saying ” grappling with fame??, naah not me mate, I f****** loved it” 🙂
lauritasita said
That is true. I think the album burning frenzy came later. There was this general hope that Lennon would recant and apologize, and the way I remember is that he did neither, but instead added “gasoline” to the fire by saying, “What’s the big stink? You know it’s true.”
lauritasita said
Either you can forgive and forget or forgive but never forget or never forget and never forgive. I’ll read a lot about the ongoing rift between The Vatican and modern day leaders of the Jewish Church over what the Catholic Church, in general, or Pope Pius XII in particular did or did not do during the Holocaust.
I wasn’t there, so I have only two sets of conflicting testimony to go by. Inevitably it boils down to “he said she said” and so long as people want to make each other pay in misery for things that happened before they were born. If the Jewish people seriously believe that the Pope could have and should have done something to stop the holocaust, then I think the current Pope could say, “In the interest of peace and harmony among all God’s children, we offically and solemnly apologize for whatever we did or did not do that caused this most unspeakable of horrors to be brought upon you. We ask for your fogiveness on behalf of those whose actions may or may not have led to the holocaust who are no longer among us to plead for your forgiveness.” |
lauritasita wrote on Nov 23, ’08
I actually do remember John apologizing to the press: |
lauritasita wrote on Nov 26, ’08, edited on Nov 26, ’08
Seth, I do agree with what you said. Brian Epstein, who I believe was still alive at the time, probably told him to apologize as a political move. The Beatles were only in their mid 20s at the time. They were too young to understand how their statements could be misunderstood like that. It’s almost the same thing as what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they made their crack about Bush. You never know how people are going to interpret what you say.
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